The Colorado EHDI (COEHDI) system is a joint effort between two agencies: the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) under the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) and Early Intervention (EI) Colorado under the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC). It envisions the COEHDI system as having five distinct components requiring special focus.

In response, the COEHDI system has developed a novel structure that seeks the representation of different stakeholders and factions in the EHDI system of Colorado such as families of DHH children, DHH adults, EHDI professionals, Part C services, and various system transition points between the three phases of the EHDI system.

The “vehicle” has three parts: task forces, Core Team, and The Alliance that work together in tandem in moving Colorado’s EHDI efforts forward.

The hands-on work of the task forces consist of all of the moving parts of the COEHDI vehicle. Any stakeholder in Colorado – professional, parent of a DHH child, and/or a DHH adult can join one of our five task forces. The five task forces are:
- Families of DHH Children
- DHH Adults
- Screening
- Diagnostic/Identification and Transition from Diagnosis/Identification to Early Intervention
- Intervention
Our Core Team functions as the “engine” of the COEHDI vehicle. Ideas are discussed, priorities are identified, and the work plan of our grant proposal is consulted often.
The Alliance is the “driving force” of our COEHDI work. Our 16-member Alliance is tasked with reviewing recommendations from the task forces, supporting the collaborative participation by all stakeholders (individuals, groups, and agencies), and serve as a system of “checks and balance” to the work of the EHDI system in Colorado. The Alliance meets monthly and public participation is both welcome and encouraged.
You can read more about our Core Team, Task Forces, and The Alliance here.