This task force has a mouthful of a name for a good reason. See below for an explanation on the genesis behind the name. Our fifth task force focuses on the diagnosis/identification phase of the EHDI system.
The Alliance Representative is Emily Chamberlain.
Task Force members include:
- Heather Abraham
- Emily Augsburger
- Marti Bleidt
- Lisa Cannon
- Emily Chamberlain
- Cathy Cortese
- Jamie Fries
- Stacey Geisel
- Brittany Goodside
- Laura Greaver
- Sam Gubbels
- Jill Jacobs
- Annette Landes
- Laura Merrill
- Dani Nouguier
- Mah-rya Proper
- Margaret Ruttenber
- Allison Sedey
- Kristin Sommerfeldt
- Lynn Wismann
- Emily Wojahn
Activities undertaken by the DX/ID and Transition from DX/ID to Early Intervention Task Force to date have included:
- Gathering baserate data from 2019 and 2020 regarding screening and diagnostic testing and entering that data into the HIDS system
- Reviewing the interim referral process for audiologists
- Reviewing system capacity and sustainability
Diagnosis/Identification: An Explanation
Have you noticed that our new Diagnosis/Identification and Transition from Diagnosis/Identification to Early Intervention Task Force has quite a lengthy title? The reason behind this reflects the diverse group of people who represent our COEHDI Alliance and other stakeholders throughout the state. We are a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, experiences, and philosophies. We recognize that words are powerful, so we are making thoughtful suggestions. Therefore, the title is an attempt to find a common ground.
This term “diagnosis” is typically used as a medical reference to formally identify a person as being deaf or hard of hearing. Members of the DHH communities have challenged the medical/disability perspective, and suggest the adoption of a cultural and linguistic perspective. In this perspective, being deaf or hard of hearing is seen as a difference, a variation, and/or a cultural and linguistic variety. Therefore, when a person is formally discovered to be deaf or hard of hearing, that is typically perceived as being an “identification” rather than a “diagnosis.”
Because both terms are prevalent, valid, and in widespread use, for now, it seemed best to use both terms. A handy abbreviation is DX/ID. This task force may be renamed in the future.
Katie Cue, December 2020 COEHDI Newsletter